Web design & identitly

Firstly - real estate bureau from Moscow. They provide premium level services and use neural networks to search for suitable real estate objects.


Our task was to create a promo site for the selection of real estate objects.


We made this project in the form of an expensive glossy magazine, with light animations that resemble the process of scrolling through a booklet. We used a 4 column grid.

and color

The whole site is built on working with typography, namely on how the text is arranged in a grid, and the content blocks are logically connected to each other. In particular, we are talking about an interesting combination of a first-level header that conveys a specific emotional message with a second-level header that decrypts it.


We have sequentially arranged the information, starting from key advantages and examples of collections of objects and ending with optional additional data. This is how we correctly distributed the visual load on the user, so that it would be easier for him to read the proposed content, and, if necessary, to study everything in more detail.

LEt`s talk
This is some text inside of a div block.